Sunday 13 December 2009

Deathbringer Saurfang slain

Deathbringer Saurufang was the next victim of Escape's might, concluding this instalment of the Icecrown Citadel's raids on normal difficulty . Well done all!

Escape - Deathbringer Saurfang - 13/12/09

Friday 11 December 2009

Icecrown Citadel is breached

Escape are back in buisness with some serious punch. We may raid less frequently but we mean business. Our first venture in ICC-25-player and we killed Lord Marrowgar, Lady Deathwhisper and turned Orgrim's Hammer in a pile of burning junk. One things for sure, Deathbringer Saurufang is next in the RIP list...

Escape - Gunship Battle - 10/12/09

Escape - Lady Deathwhisper - 10/12/09

Escape - Lord Marrowgar - 10/12/09

Following our 4/12 in 10-player ICC we got our sights on 4/12 this raid week. And we take no prisoners...

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Faction Champions (H) get steamrolled

This week has been excelent for Escape and our 25-man progress. After our Jaraxxus kill this raid week we had another 1st kill of Faction Champions. So 3/5 on heroic modes for the time being and we start working on Twins, while I write this...

Escape - Faction Champions (H) - 08/12/2009

Monday 7 December 2009

Lord Jaraxxus (H) slain

After a brief pause in our raiding and a small replenishment of our ranks we return to ToGC25 with some attitude. Lord Jaraxxus is no more, after a forceful performance from old and new members. Now time for Garrosh's elite warriors...

Escape - Lord Jaraxxus (H) - 06/12/2009

Friday 30 October 2009

Northrend Beasts (H) slaughter

Its been a while since we updated here, manly because Northrend Beasts was giving us a hard time, aided from the ever-present lag in Silvermoon. But The last couple of weeks things came together, the hamsters in Silvermoon's treadmill picked up pace and after a few heartbreaking 1% tries the beasts were emphatically slaughtered!

Escape - Northrend Beasts (H) - 29/10/2009

We are now pushing towards more Heroic kills in the forthcoming weeks.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Val'anyr reforged amidst hard-modes and achievements

Escape celebrated on Tuesday the hard-mode kill of Iron Council and completed I Choose you Steelbreaker. We then went to reforge the Legendary Val'anyr, the Hammer of the Ancient Kings... obtaining Three Lights in the Darkness in the process.

Val'anyr was reforged amidst the battle and our iconic priest Gustavius will use it to fill in our raids with more bubbles and render our graphics cards useless. Grats Gust for the legendary, well deserved, grats Escape for the hard modes.

P.S. Pictures available when I catch Gustavius in Dalaran or when he stops drooling over his new toy :-p

Sunday 6 September 2009

Ex - Nerubian King Slaughtered

The former king of the nerubians, the crypt lord Anub'arak is not more. The Trial of the Crusader instance was cleared in normal mode by Escape on the 3rd of September, completing Call of the Crusade (25 player) . We now focus on the hard modes.

Escape - Anub'arak - 03/00/2009

Likewise, two 10-man groups completed this week Call of the Crusade (10 player) and also focus on hard-modes.

Friday 7 August 2009

Rocking in the Holidays

It is summer and people spent time swimming, eating ice creams and... getting married. Yet, we chose to spent our time doing sports and visited the Argent Tournament grounds instead of the beaches of Tanaris. And the Beasts of Northrend hit the deck...

Escape - Beasts of Northrend - 06/08/2009

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Glory of the Ulduar Raider

Our 10-man group once again nails one of the most sought achievements, obtaining Glory of the Ulduar Raider! Now that's a few nice Rusted Proto-Drakes, more to follow soon! Big gratz to all for making this happen!

Escape - Glory of the Raider - 30/06/2009

Tuesday 30 June 2009

10man group meets Algalon

Our 10-man progress group overcame the obstacle of Mimiron and his Leviathan Mk II, obtaining Firefighter and met Algalon the Observer. Now, time to save Azeroth from a reboot...

Escape - Firefighter achievement & Algalon acquaintance - 29/06/09

Monday 15 June 2009

Yogg-Saron is no more... again

Escape killed Yogg-Saron yesterday, obtaining the achievements Heroic: The Secrets of Ulduar, Heroic: The Decsent Into Madness and Heroic: Drive Me Crazy. We even cleared the leftovers and did Heroic: I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim. Once again, a very successful raid that concludes the first pass on Ulduar. Now, for some heroic modes...

Escape - Yogg-Saron - 1st Kill - 14/06/09

Friday 29 May 2009

10-man group gets cracking once again

This week our 10-man progress group had a cracking run, nailing Heartbreaker, I could Say That this Cache Was Rare , Knock on Wood, Unbroken, With Open Arms and Crazy Cat Lady. Talking about one successfull run! Big gratz to them once again.

Escape - HeartBreaker - 27/05/09

Escape - I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare - 27/05/09

Escape - Knock on Wood - 27/05/09

Friday 22 May 2009

Thorim Hard Mode

Our 10-man group got Thorim on hard mode. Sorry for the pic, they were pretty excited from getting the Lose your Illusion achievement and they lost their sense of style. We will update our kill-pics in a future kill. Once again, gratz to them!

Escape - Thorim hard mode - 1st Kill - 21/05/09

Wednesday 20 May 2009

General Vezax hits the deck

Our 25-man progress continued this week with our first General Vezax kill and our first tries on Yogg-Saron.

Escape - General Vezax - 1st Kill - 19/05/09

Iron Council Hard Mode on Normal

Our 10-man group started going after hard modes and got Iron Council's I choose you, Steelbreaker. Big grats! to them.

Escape - I choose you, Steelbreaker - 19/05/09

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Mimiron defeated

We continued our streak this raid week and defeated Mimiron, completing Heroic: The Keepers of Ulduar. Once again, big gratz to all raid participants of this week.

Escape - Mirmiron - 1st Kill - 12/05/09

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Yogg-Saron is no more...

..on normal mode at least. Our 10-man group killed the Old God of Death, completing The Secrets of Ulduar, The Descent into Madness and Drive me Crazy achievements. Big Gratz! to them!

Escape - Yogg-Saron - 1st Kill (Normal) - 12/05/09

Monday 11 May 2009

Freya free

Second raid day this week and Freya was 'freed' from Escape for the first time. Mimiron is next...

Escape sets Freya free - 7/05/09

Friday 8 May 2009

Thorim free

Once again, an emphatic start of this raid week brought the farmed bosses killed, while in the process we completed Heroic: Nerf Engineering, Heroic: I have the Coolest Friends, Heroic: I'll Take You All On. The icing of course was our 1st 'kill' of Thorim. Hopefully, more guild-firsts later this raid week.

Escape sets Thorim free - 7/05/09

Wednesday 6 May 2009

10-man Groups progressing

Bigg gratz to our 1st 10-man team that killed General Vezax yesterday and now eyes Yogg-Saron, the Old God of death for this raid week.

A second 10-man group also commenced its path in Ulduar this week, freeing two of the four keepers, Thorim and Hodir,seeking for more the upcoming week.

Escape - General Vezax - 1st kill (Normal) - 26/04/09

Monday 4 May 2009

Hodir set free

A quick warm-up with Razorscale, Ignis and the Iron Council was followed by Escape's visit to Hodir to set him free. Now our alts can go back, polishing his helmet...

Escape sets Hodir free - 4/05/09

Monday 27 April 2009

Escape wreck the Antechamber

Escape slain Auriaya tonight, completing the The Antechamber of Ulduar (H). We aslo had our first tries in Thorim which hopefully will hit the deck within this raid week.

Escape - Auriaya 1st kill - 26/04/09

Friday 24 April 2009

Hammering our way in Ulduar

Escape killed six bosses the first week of Patch 3.1, resulting in a top5 realm position on The Siege of Ulduar (H) and a top4 realm position on Nerf Gravity Bombs (H). We are quite proud of our emphatic start and hope to keep a fast pace.

Escape - Iron Council 1st kill - 19/04/09

Thursday 23 April 2009

Escape Introductory

Escape is created by a group of players that played together ever since vanilla wow hit the servers. Over time we felt we could get more out of the game and tore away from our old guild. We made a new guild on Dragonblight, but soon realized that the pool of players wasn’t large enough to select out of.

We decided to move to Silvermoon, biggest PVE server on Europe. It was a bumpy ride, but after a few setbacks we lifted off just fine with our guild, Escape. Ever since the day we got the taste of success, we kept pushing ourselves.

With the launch of we climbed the rankings. At an 18th position, we clocked off and went into and improved ourselves during 25-man raids. The highest rank we attained was 8th. Every raid we do, we try to improve our rank and have a great deal of fun, as the game was intended for.

Basically, we are a semi-hardcore guild that tries to make the best out of raiding three times per week. It speaks for itself that playing for 3 years together now, creates a bond. We are very interested in new people though, that can only add to our guild.

That’s why we select our new members to current standards:

  • People that want to make the best out of our 3-day raiding schedule
  • Handling criticism in a constructive way and continue to improve own skills
  • Sociable people that add to the vibe. People who like to chat with each other
  • Mature players, that have a real life that comes on the first place
  • We respect having a personal life and situations coming before the game or raids.
  • A council and series of members where you can count on
  • Space for alts and off-raid moments to keep up good spirits

As mentioned, we raid 3 times per week; 20.00h-23.00h ST. We don’t organize extra raids on new contents, as we have planned our days carefully around our real lives. We do have 10-man content outside these hours. Progress there is one of the best on our server. Signing for each raid is mandatory, even if signed as cancelled. In this way, we try to have the best possible setup.

We like to keep a slightly bigger pool of members to insure we can raid every week. Currently, we have about 35 active raid members and an active rotate system in place. We provide benched people with EKP for being online so they don’t fall behind on our EKP ladder system.

If you like to know more about our guild and the way we take care of things, feel free to contact any member and ask for more information. You can acquire the information you need by clicking this link.

If you can’t refrain yourself from joining our ranks, please click this link and complete our application form.

Use loginname "apply" and password "wanttojoin" to access apply page

Apply to Escape

We wish you the best of luck and thanks for visiting our webpage

Tokferoth and the whole crew

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